This is the bus stop I use when coming home from work. I use public transport unless there is a good reason to do otherwise. It saves parking fees and a lot of hassle.
I also use public transport when I travel. This is the latest multi-rider I own -from Sydney where I went to visit relatives for my aunt's 100th birthday. My sister and brother in law were amazed at where we could go on this ticket when we loaded it with just $50.
In Sydney when you have this card, you only pay for 8 trips per week -after that riding is free.
We rode the trains and ferries and buses and it was amazing. Here are some of the sights.
Lovely old terraces in Randwick
Pacific coast beaches
Elizabeth Farm Paramatta. We took the River Catamaran -more than an hour of lovely scenery for $7.50.
Quilt made by the NSW quilter's guild for a four poster bed in an historic house in Paramatta
Scenes from the lovely Blue Mountains town of Leura -the ride on the train was 2 hours each way, but it only cost us $2.50!
I try to get a good hour of walking in a couple of times a week, and in between there are walks from the train station to my office and so on. Most of these walks are on city paved footpaths, but if I can, a walk like this can really cheer me up.
Hope you can get out and enjoy Walk Over October.