We both work full time, and have had full social lives on the weekends, but this garden needs our care just now.
The summer is warming up and the biggest task was to spread some wonderful lupin mulch on the veggie beds in the back yard, to shade the soil and protect the moisture within. Lupin mulch feeds the soil by adding nitrogen to the soil. I used it last year on the veggies -and the added bonus is that it smells wonderful!
Last weekend DH worked very hard getting all the back yard covered with in-line drip irrigation. It was a huge job, but it will save a lot of water and put it to better use.
There is still a lot more I would like to have done, but it is so rewardin
The tomatoes in
I wish I had planted more cucumbers -we have only four, but if I look after them that will be a good crop.
It is not all productive in the garden however. I am just as pleased that the jasmine that I planted in a desperate attempt to cover up our ugly fence near the back entertaining area, is now in flower and smells wonderful.
I am even ha
It is interesting to see how much food we can get out of our small garden, given the fact that we don't have a lot of space, and the work we do in the garden tends to be a bit sporadic.
We are harvesting huge rainbow chard and tiny lettuce leaves at the moment, along with a large variety of herbs which add a lot of flavour to our food.
The added benefit of course is that the food we produce is entirely organic and totally fresh when we eat it, so we are getting the very best nutrition we can get from these things.
Apart from the exercise required to make it happen of course! However nothing really happens without effort and in the case of the garden the effort seems to be paying off at the moment.
Your garden is looking healthy, it does take time and effort though, but the rewards are worth it.
Our garden has shriveled from all the heat and water restrictions in our area. It is very disappointing... we have decided to spend some money, put in some decent beds and watering system and mulch, mulch, mulch.
Hopefully we are having our summer now and it will be mild the rest of the season. Wishful thinking lol. 36C today, 39C tomorrow, 45C Wednesday. We are enjoying the cool day today after 10 days of over 40C, yesterday reached 45C.
Take care,
Outback, do you have any shade structures in your garden? Most of my veggies are under shadecloth -I find that Perth's hot days are just too much for them otherwise.
Visit Scarecrow's blog to find out how they do it-they are in South Australia on the edge of the desert and they grow a lot under shade.
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