Sunday, July 18, 2010

First pics of the sewing room

First a marathon unpacking of a certain kind of flat pack furniture, with my darling Husband and Dear Daughter hard at work.

Then, once everything was in-and it fitted! (WHEW) it was my turn to move all my stuff in, and begin the arranging. Of course not everything is as it should be yet!

This is a height adjustable desk for my computer and household management.

I fell in love with these lamps -and ended up with two!

This is my sewing desk.

The curtains are being hung and measured so that they fit exactly. I wanted to hang them for a few days before cutting anything! Do you like them?

I have a set of shelves, so I have room for all my craft books and patterns as well as the household files, and of course some friends!

This is another shot of my desk. The wardrobe has been fitted with shelving and baskets. The doors are not fitted as yet -they need to be painted.

Dinky little table top ironing board for those block seams.

How do you like it so far?


DjittyDjitty said...

The Teddies will be nearly has pleased about this as you

Tania said...

Loving your sewing room, you won't know yourself with your own little den.

Many happy sewing days ahead.


mountainwildlife said...

Ah, to have a dedicated sewing room! Looks great, quite inspiring and fresh :)