Monday, March 14, 2016

Assembly line!

Don't tell the quilting police but I rarely plan my quilts. Apart from a general idea, I usually start sewing, put the blocks on the design wall and play with the settings. 
My latest quilt is different. I have a design in a book and I am following it!
This is the test block and the first of 80 9 patches the quilt needs. 
I am even sewing width of fabric strip sets and then cross cutting! 
Feels productive even if a bit like working in a sweat shop.
As the temperature at the moment is 40C it may not entirely be the production line which is giving that feeling. 
I have collapsed onto the couch under the ceiling fan for some recovery time before getting frocked up for a concert tonight. At least the hall will be air conditioned . 

1 comment:

Jo said...

do pay attention. I find I start telling myself I am going for 2" and so cutting short instead of the 2.5" i need to get the 2" - so frustrating when I wreck good fabric. Love the colour choices!